Monday, 25 April 2011


Today I would like to tell you all about a fab competition for the little ones! My friend Gail who owns the toyshop The Magic Box a couple of doors up from me has just launched a competition. It is to go with her gardening themed window display and gives little ones the chance to win a lovely red wheelbarrow to help out with the gardening this summer. If you know somebody who would like to enter simply bring them to Marsden to pick up a competition form, fill it out & post it in the magic post box at the toy shop!

Marsden is lovely for a family day out lots of ducks to feed at the river, ice cream, cafes, shops and pubs so if you are stuck for something to do during half term come along and say hi.

You can follow The Magic Box on Twitter for all the latest news or why not check out there Facebook page.

Sarah xx


  1. Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for being my first EVER follower!!! it's a bit daunting this whole blog writing thing, but i've got a friend who swears by it, he's got loads of work from it!!
    i still having forgotten about that kid clothing idea i had!! just need to find a spare minute to do.....anything!!

    hope you're okay

  2. Oh well that sounds good fingers crossed for me and you then :)
    Don't worry about it I know how things just crop up must be crazy in your house especially with little Daisy - who is really cute may I add!
    And yes I’m good thanks for asking.
    I will look forward to hearing what GeMo Wear is up to

